Key Performance Indicator – KPI PowerPoint Worksheet Template

Managing Editor

KPIs are the abstracted metrics from which you can diagnose opportunities, architect the future goals, and manage the progress of an organization. Understanding, developing and managing the right KPIs are a critical element in any strategic leaders toolkit. Organizations that do utilize the power of KPIs to their fullest, can truly visualize an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, progress and opportunities.

Key Performance Indicator KPI Swot analysis Powerpoint Worksheet Template


Many goals within an organization are represented as key performance indicators or KPIs, core measurements of performance for an organization, department, team, or process. You probably have your own KPIs that you are trying to achieve. As a strategic leader, much of what you do, day in and day out, is focused on executing actions to achieve KPIs. And, so let’s spend a little bit of time going over KPIs, because there is a bit of art and science to creating and managing them.

To get you going on Key Performance Indicators, download the KPI PowerPoint Worksheet.




 Learn more about Joe Newsum, the author of all this free content and a McKinsey Alum. I provide a suite of coaching and training services to realize the potential in you, your team, and your business. Learn more about me and my coaching philosophy.
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